DNA Testing

DNA Testing is FUN!

DNA tests can test the 23 pairs of chromosomes and the mitochondria of a person.  One pair of chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes.  If you are male then you will have one X and one Y chromosome.  If you are female than you will have two X chromosomes. The other 22 pairs of chromosomes are often called the autosomes.

There are four basic types of DNA testing currently available.

Y Chromosome - Y DNA test, only for men

X Chromosome - is usually part of the autosome testing.  Everyone has one.

autosome test - tells the more recent story of your past and is wonderful for finding cousins.

MtDNA - Mitochondria DNA is the DNA passed down from mother to child.

Every cell in your body contains DNA.  A cell has several parts including the nucleus and mitochondria DNA.  The nucleus contains the 23 pairs of chromosomes.   Mitochondria are not inside the nucleus.

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